Mental Health Training
for the Modern Australian Workplace
Build Resilience, Psychosocial Safety, and Employee Engagement.
Bad Mental Health
is Expensive
$6.5 Billion Loss per Year
Australian businesses lose over $6.5 billion annually by failing to provide early intervention/treatment for employees with mental health conditions.
$10,000 per Depressed Worker
The estimated cost in absenteeism is $10K per year per worker with depression (let alone other mental health issues).
50% of Injury Claims from Work Pressure
Work pressure accounts for around half of all psychological injury claims in Australia and harassment and bullying for around a quarter.
52 Days Lost to Absenteeism Every Year
An employee with depression is expected to take, on average 1 day per week off sick. 6% of our employees will have depression this year.

“Our Mental Health courses & training help provide the Psychological Safety your workforce needs. Think of it as an Insurance Policy for the wellbeing of your business. How safe and skilled do you feel your team is in facing everyday challenges?”
Peter Diaz
CEO – Workplace Mental Health Institute
Protect Your Workforce
High Return On Investment
Our workplace mental health programs return up to $110,000 for every $10,000 invested
Companies that partner with us have observed:
- Wellbeing increased by a minimum of 57%
- Reduction of psychological injury claims by up to 50%
- Reduced absenteeism by 33%
- The number of employees experiencing mental health issues decreased by as much as 79%
Many organisations find themselves trapped in a downward spiral, a destructive pattern we have the expertise to break. Together we can stop this pattern and shift the tide towards positive growth.

“Take care of your employee’s mental health. It’s a high priority. You’re going to get better performance. Everybody knows that”
Steve Wozniak
Apple Co-Founder as told to Peter Diaz CEO, Workplace Mental Health Institute
We wrote the mental health bible for managers based on our decades of research and experience
Mental Wealth introduces an outcome driven approach to workplace psychological safety and wellbeing.
Few resources exist to help managers and executives improve mental health and wellness in the workplace, despite the fact that this issue has a significant bearing on companies’ bottom lines, employee morale, and overall success. What is available frequently ignores sound, well proven, psychological aspects of mental health and excellent performance in the workplace. With Mental Wealth, now you have these tested psychological principles at your finger tips.

“It’s so important what you are doing. Because if someone is burnt out, how are they going to address a big challenge that comes their way at work?”
Randi Zuckerberg
Former Director of Marketing, Facebook as told to Peter Diaz, CEO, Workplace Mental Health Institute
Positive Press
Why Us

“The Workplace Mental Health Institute leads the fight to help individuals and organisations tackle this complex problem with proven, effective plans and strategies.”
Steve Anderson
Wall Street Journal, USA Today & International Best Selling Author of The Bezos Letters
Authority on Risk & Growth
By major national and global organisations

“This is the second time we’ve had a session from the Workplace Mental Health Institute and it definitely won’t be the last. Such an engaging and entertaining presenter, you walk away with a greater sense of your own wellbeing and the tools to help you deal with bumps in the road. We’ve had such wonderful feedback from our team, including that they felt extremely valued as employees”
Elizabeth Cupitt-Lovell
Time to Craft a Psycho-Socially Safe Culture
If you are reading this, we can guess that it’s either because there is an urgent need to improve things where you work, or you’re a visionary and want to do things even better. Either way, we salute you. One thing we’ve learnt over the past decade delivering mental health courses all over the world, is that a psychosocially safe and high performing culture doesn’t happen by accident. It takes design and intention. It takes courage and brains. And it takes the right type of help. The kind of expert help we can give you. There is a science to workplace mental health and we have the experience and know-how you’re looking for. We’ve even laid out the measurable core competencies you’ll need! Why not give us a fair go?
Ready for the next step? How about having a chat with us and brainstorm a little?