Tag Archives: eMag

worklife emag sep24

WorkLife Magazine – Secrets of the Mind-Body Connection

In this edition of WorkLife, we explore the intricate relationship between the mind and body. Through a series of insightful articles, we delve into the latest research and practical strategies that can help you harness the power of this connection. Discover how your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can significantly impact your physical health and overall well-being. By understanding the mind-body connection, you can cultivate greater resilience and navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.


WorkLife Magazine – The HOPE that Drives Recovery – The kind of hope you need for wellbeing is within your reach

We are now well into the year and very few people on Earth would contradict the notion that the world and it’s people need HOPE. After all, ‘Hope springs eternal in the human breast’, said the poet Alexander Pope way back in 1732. Pope knew something about human nature.

Interestingly, Alexander Pope placed hope in the same organ that loves also springs forth. Could there be a connection between hope and love? Is our capacity to hope and love intrinsically intertwined? I believe it is. Often, it is impossible to love without hope and it is impossible to hope without deep love – for someone or something.

That’s why we found it fitting and timely to publish a magazine on Hope. A study that will get us one step closer to what we so intensely need today across the world, love. Please, enjoy reading our magazine.

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.


WorkLife Magazine – The Freedom to Express – Why having a voice is key to your wellbeing

Psychologically, we’ve known for decades that a road to healing is the ability to speak up and be counted, but how do we do that? At work and home? Especially in a landscape where people are already on edge, what you have to say is likely to upset or offend someone somewhere. Too often, our fear gets in the way of self-expression, yet that is vital for wellbeing.

This issue of our eMag is full of valuable tips and ideas. Which will be the one that does it for you?

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.

Workplace Mental Health and Resilience Magazine

WorkLife eMag – Look after your Social Connection

It has never been more urgent to look after your social connection. In the year 2020, we were taught to implement social distancing. Since then, there has been a divide between people. We cannot get too close to others for fear we may contaminate each other. Yet, as social beings, we cannot thrive without others. Our psychology demands this. The need for others is especially important for our young. So, what can we do? This latest issue of WorkLife, ‘Social Connection’, reminds us that connecting is still a necessity of ours. It also shows us some of the things we need to do to reverse social distancing’s negative consequences and move forward.

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.

First published on The WMHI Global

WorkLife emag - the Fear Factor

WorkLife eMag – The Fear Factor: Exploring the Psychology of Fear

There’s no way around it; fear is an ugly and harmful thing. Fear can be all-encompassing and turn reasonable and intelligent people mad. It is at the heart of every mental health problem.

That’s why it’s essential we understand the psychological drivers of fear, how fear operates, and the damage it can cause. This edition of Worklife delves into these drivers of fear and exposes the harm it causes. We have also added some advice as to what you can do to protect yourself from fear, anxiety and stress.

Mental Health and Resilience are more crucial than ever for organizations, companies and individuals. At the Workplace Mental Health Institute, our response to fear is to meet it head-on with education.

We are pleased to present you with our last eMag for 2020 – The Fear Factor.

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.


WorkLife eMag – Special Coronavirus Edition

The current Coronavirus pandemic has caught all of us by surprise. It’s caused a lot of stress, fear, confusion, and uncertainty for the future in people and businesses alike, all over the world.

To face the coming challenges in the workplace and the world at large, it is critical that employees know how to respond to the psychological, social, and economic challenges created by COVID-19 with a stable, grounded, and clear presence of mind. Our individual and collective health depends on it.

The Workplace Mental Health Institute’s response was to put out to call to its network of subject matter experts around the world and ask them to contribute wisdom, tips, and proven strategies that they know would help others during this time. 18 experts replied from 9 countries.

This Special Edition of WorkLIFE is no longer the work of the Workplace Mental Health Institute only, but a labor of love of fellow human beings acting in solidarity with all of us.

We say ‘thank you’ to these 18 contributors, and special thanks go out to all of you out there making it possible for us to survive these incredibly difficult times: our medical staff, our police, our chemists, those of you that serve us at the supermarket, our truck and delivery drivers. And all those others who are also risking their health and their lives daily to make sure the rest of us survive.


To you, the reader, we say: ‘Enjoy this magazine, it’s a gift of love, and stay healthy and safe.

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.

WorkLife-eMag-Feb-2020 issue

From Pharmacist To Teacher Of Ancient Chinese Wisdom | WorkLife eMag – February 2020 Issue

Meet Sally Forrest, teaching ancient Chinese art forms that improve people’s wellbeing. In our February issue, we also give ideas on how to unlock your child’s mental potential, how to rekindle a waning relationship and we look at the research on whether sexual relations impair sports performance.

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.


When would it be a good time to start living life to the full? | WorkLife eMag – January 2020 Issue

Read the January issue of WorkLife here.

This month we look at the psychology of Richard Branson and what makes him tick; the research around the link between body size and people’s perceptions of one’s ability to lead; and delve into the topic of domestic violence as it relates to workplaces.

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.

WorkLife eMag Dec 2019 edition

What will you have accomplished by the time you are 75? | WorkLife eMag – December 2019 Issue

We believe peace is good for your wellbeing and mental health. We also know that workplaces that embrace conflict and seek peace do better. They tend to have the elusive ‘X’ factor that makes them more attractive to the market and have better cultures. Read more on this December edition of WorkLife…

Don't forget to subscribe to our monthly eMag - WorkLife

Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.