

Bipolar Disorder: Different Approaches to Recovery

In this article, we will discuss what Bipolar Disorder is, the types of Bipolar Disorders, a bipolar diagnosis, is it possible to take charge of Bipolar Disorder, and the different approaches toward recovery from bipolar Disorder.

What is Bipolar Disorder

Put plainly; Bipolar Disorder is a series of life-disrupting cycles of extreme highs and lows.

The word “Bipolar” means two poles referring to the extreme high and the extreme low.

How is it different from what we call a “Mood Swing”? Bipolar Disorder is a type of Mood Swing.

Mood Swings are quick changes in one’s emotional state. In other words, you are not experiencing a reasonably constant emotional state.

Bipolar Disorder is when a person experiences mood swings that go from a very excited, energized, and often irritable emotional state to a sad, depressing, and lifeless emotional state in an unexpected time frame.


Note: We are focusing on the emotional aspect of Bipolar as that’s how most people experience it, but the effects are often felt on a physical and mental level as well.

Generally, in Bipolar Disorder, the Highs are referred to as Manic Episodes, and the Lows are referred to as Depressive Episodes. In this article, we will be referring to them as simply “Highs” and “Lows” Or “High” and “Low”.

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Types of Bipolar Disorders

Now, let’s discuss the types of Bipolar Disorders.

Bipolar Disorders are of many types depending on the subtle nuances experienced by the individual, but there are primarily two types: Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2

Both Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 Disorders are very similar; we can also loosely say that Bipolar 1 is a succession of Bipolar 2.

The main differentiator of Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 exists in the Manic Episodes.

If the Manic Episodes are severe enough to need hospitalization or some other person’s assistance, this is called Bipolar 1. In Bipolar 1, the depressive episodes tend to be more severe.

Using the Roller Coaster analogy commonly associated with Bipolar: “the higher you go, the lower you fall”.

Several other classifications are drawn based on the severity of the Disorder and the length of the periodic cycles, but these classifications are of lesser significance.

Do I Have Bipolar Disorder?

Mary Lambert, a Musician and a fellow Bipolar sufferer, says: “Even when I am in a very great, steady, stable place… I am clinically Bipolar so that always exists – darkness always exists.”

Ronald Bassman, a renowned Psychologist, says, “Too often when carrying a diagnosis, one is required to act more normal than normal, with ultra-sensitive antennas to subdue or hide signs that in others could be swiftly dismissed as benign eccentricity.”

In diagnosing people with mental health disorders, we ask for caution. The problem is that, while some people may benefit from a temporary diagnosis and allow them to seek help, labelling can have its problems. When we diagnose or label someone, a new identity of sorts is created. If we label and don’t take certain precautions, this could prompt the person with the label to live their whole life under its shadow. Hardly a recipe for success.

At the WMHI, we teach people to look past the label, have it as a reference point but not attach it to their identity.

One thing you can do right now is to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you experiencing extreme highs and lows that you can’t explain?
  • Are these extreme highs and lows distressing?

If the answer to both of these questions is “yes”, then all you need to know now is that you are experiencing overwhelming waves of highs and lows that are disrupting your life, and it’s possible to take charge of them.

The Different Approaches to Treat Bipolar Disorder

There are many different approaches to treat Bipolar Disorder, but all have the same aim of flattening the wave of extreme highs and lows into a manageable wave of highs and lows.

When basing our approach on Medicine, there are two methods:

  • Non-Medicinal: This is the approach that we discuss in our online courses. In a non-medicinal approach, we take charge of our thoughts and behaviors to help regulate our high-low waves.
  • Medicinal: The highs and lows are managed with medication, which tackles the problem chemically, making the emotions stable on a chemical level, resulting in stable thoughts and behaviors.

Depending on the severity of your Disorder, the best route could be a mix of a medicinal and non-medicinal approach. We recommend staying off the drug route if you can manage your highs and lows well since these have many side effects. PLEASE NOTE: if you are already taking medication, DO NOT STOP TAKING IT SUDDENLY. These are potent drugs, and you will need your doctor’s assistance to wean off them.

Based on how you decide to tackle your Bipolar, there are three options:

  • Working with a Psychiatrist
  • Working with a Psychologist or Mental Health Professional
  • Working on your own

A psychiatrist is a doctor that has specialized in mental health. In many countries, they are the ones that will be able to prescribe medication and provide you with medical support.

A psychologist or mental health professional will focus primarily on talking therapies that require no medication.

The Non-Medicine Based Approach for Bipolar Disorder

Two main Non-Medicine Approaches are ECT and CBT.

ECT or Electroconvulsive Therapy is a short-term treatment for any Major Depressive or Manic Episodes. ECT is a process of altering the state of the brain with the use of electric stimulation.

CBT or Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a long-term treatment for Bipolar Disorder. CBT works by regulating bad habits and replacing them with good habits.

A Mental Disorder is an accumulation of thoughts, habits, and emotions that work against a person and causes dysfunction and distress.

CBT involves identifying these destructive thoughts and behaviors and replacing them with constructive thoughts and s, which positively affects the emotional state.

More Help and What Now?

If you are still reading, it means that you are trying to look for ways to help others or yourself recover from Bipolar Disorder. Reading this far of the article is evidence of that, and we commend you for it.

Now, if you keep taking action, recovery is almost inevitable. Research shows that a significant number of people eventually recover with no lasting signs of mental ill-health.

At the WMHI, we provide videos and information that promote recovery. You can access some of these recovery-based videos and mental health & wellbeing articles here.

You can also check out this inspirational story of the CEO and the Co-founder of the WMHI, Peter Diaz, who has gone through Bipolar Disorder and came out stronger and happier than ever.

WMHI wishes you all the best in your recovery. Feel free to drop a comment down below or reach out to us at


Find & Unleash Your Voice

The Never-Ending Search for Health and Agency at Work

When it comes to health in the workplace, most people immediately think of physical health, including preventing accidents, slips, falls, etc. However, research shows that worker´s mental health is just as important, if not more so, than their physical health.

For example, take an office worker who is supremely unhappy with their job. They’re so sad, in fact, that they become clinically depressed and have severe bouts of anxiety. They start showing up late, are disengaged on the job, and call in sick frequently. Some may even consider self-harm or harming their co-workers.

Most would agree this is an unhealthy situation. While physical health may be more readily observed, the fact is that employee´s mental health is just as vital to an organization as their physical health. The question then becomes; what can be done to improve the overall mental health of all employees?

There are of course, a number of different avenues to improving mental health, resilience and wellbeing. But one that is so often overlooked, but which is becoming ever so critical in the modern workplace, is the importance of Freedom of Expression.


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Freedom of Expression and the Mental Health Connection

In The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 10 declares that the right to freedom of opinion and expression is one of the fundamental human rights. Indeed, it may be the most essential human right, as freedom of expression ties deeply into the human psyche.

But what, exactly, is freedom of expression, and why is it so crucial to a person’s mental health? The answer lies in the fact that, while an employee is under the organization’s auspices for whom they work, they are expected to do their work and be productive. However, they are still an autonomous individual with their own opinions, beliefs, and values.

Freedom of expression is the right to express those opinions, beliefs, and values without fear of reprisal, oppression, and censorship. However, the challenge for an employer is to balance an employee’s individual right to expression with the organization’s values, rules, and expectations.

Employees Do Not Have a Constitutional Right to Free Speech

One of the most surprising facts for many people is that, while on the job, freedom of speech laws of the outside world don’t always apply. Even though some may disagree, as an employee, the right to freedom of speech is relatively limited. For example, an employee who publicly says or writes something inflammatory about the company can face legal charges.

Of course, the average employee is never going to do anything of the sort. Many enjoy their job,but, without the freedom to express themselves, languish at their jobs while anxiety and depression take their toll. That’s a problem that has with nothing to do with free speech but rather an employee feeling that their voice, opinions, and ideas have no value.

Methods to Empower Freedom of Expression

Giving employees the ability to fully express their ideas and opinions on the job isn’t something that happens naturally for most organizations. Frankly, it’s ingrained into most workers that “rocking the boat” isn’t a good plan (especially if they want to remain employed).

In the industrial age, we had a very different approach to work. People who got hired to work on a factory line, exchanged their time and physical labor for money. There was no need nor expectation that they would have an input into the systems or procedures. But now, we are no longer in the industrial age. Times are very different.

In the current pandemic/post pandemic workplace, more and more employees are re-evaluating their work and lives, with many opting out of the workforce entirely (heard of the Great resignation?). Those who remain are demanding greater flexibility, greater collaboration, and greater opportunity to contribute their perspectives and ideas in the workplace. At the very least, to be our selves at work. Many workplaces too, are providing support for the ´whole person´, recognizing that as human beings, the personal does impact the professional and vice versa.

For that reason, an organization must make a point of allowing their employees to express their ideas, needs, wants, and any problems they’re having on the job. This is a key element of a psychologically safe workplace. More importantly, action has to be taken that proves their opinions and ideas are being taken seriously. Below are a few excellent methods to do that, including:

  • Show That Speaking Up is a Positive, Not a Negative

Allowing employees the regular opportunity to give feedback without fear of reprisal is one of the best methods of allowing them to express themselves. The truth is, speaking up takes courage. Getting valuable feedback when that happens can be an incredible ego booster that keeps an employee engaged, happy and productive.

  • Create a Culture of Feedback in the Workplace

A quick online search for the term “feedback” will reveal millions and millions of results. Why? Because humans love giving their feedback about anything and everything, especially when they feel that they have something to add to the conversation.

This holds true in the workplace as well, where it’s guaranteed that many employees would love to give their feedback about a wide variety of work-related topics. The key as an employer is to provide them with an open forum to do just that.

This requires much more than a simple “Suggestion Box” on the wall, it is about communicating that the feedback is heard, genuinely considered, and acted upon in one form or another.

When your organization has a culture of seeking feedback and taking action on it, the response from employees is highly positive. One reason may be that, by allowing unfettered feedback, an employer (or manager) showcases their humility. This, in turn, elevates the status of the team member who was seeking feedback. The result is a standard of psychological safety that doesn’t just allow for freedom of expression; it actively encourages that expression on behalf of all employees.

  • Look at Complaints and Grievances as Important Data

It’s easy to see complaints and grievances as nuisances, especially if they aren’t particularly true or correct. On the other hand, if you look at the information provided as data, you can often learn valuable information that, in the end, helps the organization.

Indeed, many a positive change has come from an employee expressing themself about a negative situation. Without freedom of expression in the workplace, these positive (and frequently profitable) changes would never occur.

  • Employee Agency and Mental Health Are Closely Tied Together

By ´agency´ we mean personal agency – the sense of confidence that staff member has that they can influence, and make an impact on their world – in this case, the workplace.

At the end of the day, an employee’s agency and mental health while on the job are closely related. One compliments the other, with more fulfilled, engaged, and productive employees as a result.

For these reasons, giving all employees a voice is vitally important to an organization’s success. Yes, limits and structure need to be put in place, but the resulting changes will contribute to a workplace where mental health issues are low, and satisfaction levels are high. That’s a win-win situation for all involved.

In short, when an organization allows its employees to unleash their voice, the entire organization benefits. In the never-ending search for health and agency, freedom of expression in the workplace is a proven, profitable solution.


Creativity Fostering Transformation

That erroneous quote, “Houston, we have a problem,” sums up 2021. Between a rampant global virus, climate change, economic distress, racial inequity, and social isolation, we have pressing problems to solve. Given this, we would do well to turn to our innate super power— creativity, as a mean for addressing our most salient concerns of the day.

Creativity can be defined as the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, and relationships. It entails the emergence of meaningful new methods and interpretations and uses imagination and originality as tools for transformation. By tapping into these to forge new paths, we improve mental health and the well-being of our society. As Einstein said, “Logic will take you from A to B, imagination will take you anywhere.


Creativity is not the Frosting; it’s the Cake

Creativity is often viewed as the icing on the cake—meaning creativity isn’t essential or the highest priority in our personal or work lives. In fact, some people view it as a luxury or leisure activity reserved for the elite. Yet creativity isn’t something doled out to the chosen few. It’s a trait we all have and is a primary agent of growth and change. It allows us to:

  • Renew ourselves
  • Recharge our minds
  • Reclaim hope
  • Restore connections
  • Resolve problems

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Given this, it’s unfortunate that creativity isn’t always valued as a high priority. In fact, most of us are familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It’s a theory in psychology that states humans have basic needs that are ranked in order of importance and priority. Our need for food, clothing, shelter, and safety is paramount, followed by the need for love and belonging. Creativity is ranked last. Obviously, if we’re starving and don’t have shelter, we might not be thinking about painting the Sistine Chapel or self-actualization. However, what if creativity, which is at the top of Maslow’s pyramid was viewed as the primary vehicle for meeting all of our needs?If this was the case and we tapped into this approach, we might:

  • Prioritize creativity within schools and organizations
  • Address economic problems and inequity to create a more just world
  • Foster empathy through arts programs in communities and businesses
  • Think outside the box and envision change and possibilities

With creativity, we see possibilities even when our current reality indicates otherwise. We need this vision or we will remain stuck in our circumstances. And while it can be hard to dream, if life hasn’t given us much reason to, creativity helps build the imagination muscle. It revises our viewpoints allowing us to “see again”. When this occurs, we have increased personal agency and these areas of our lives become enhanced: our vision and goals, systems, jobs, relationships, stories, issues and problems.

Misconceptions about Creativity

It’s interesting how we categorize creativity and tend to think only certain people or industries are creative. “I’m not creative,” someone might say, or “I’m not an artist.” In fact, we often deify people in the entertainment industry for their talents yet neglect to recognize creativity in the people around us.

Here are just some groups that also tend to be highly creative:

  • Children
  • Artists (painters, writers, dancers, actors & musicians)
  • Scientists
  • Leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Builders
  • Cooks
  • Gardeners

Another misconception is that there is a causal link between creativity and mental illness. While many individuals living with mental illness might be highly creative, there are equally as many who would not be described that way at all – by themselves or others.Instead, I would argue that creativity is healing and restorative whether we have a diagnosis or not. Creativity helps us transform our challenges into works of beauty and endows life with purpose. Not to mention the enormous contribution it makes to society and humanity.

Creativity in the Workplace and Education

Without a doubt, work and school environments have changed radically in the last year. We’ve all had to “pivot” and adapt to a new normal. Creativity increases flexibility and spontaneity as we learn new ways of doing things. In the work place it can help us navigate interpersonal conflict, balance budgets, innovate, market, produce, and make a profit.

That said, work and school environments often operate counter-intuitively. Instead of embracing approaches that enhance learning and productivity, sometimes these methods are stifled. We look to companies like Apple or Tesla and praise them for their innovation, yet creative strategies are often not supported in the work environment. And students at school who color outside the lines are sometimes frowned upon. Instead of being viewed as mavericks who can reach new heights, companies and schools often prefer folks keep to the status quo.

If creativity is to flourish in our communities, work and school environments must allow a degree of play, risk, connection, exploration, trial and error, and rest and reflection. These are the ingredients that foster new configurations and possibilities.

Jumping into the Void

Creating takes courage. It’s often a leap of faith and into the unknown. It can make us feel vulnerable as we wonder if we will succeed or fail. Do we dare dream? And can we step into something new and unfamiliar?

To begin revitalizing your creativity, why not take an on-line class, work with a mentor, or sit down with few distractions and focus on a task you’d like to work on. Feel free to take a little time out to explore and play. You will most likely begin to feel renewed.

Not only that, when we look at our lives from a creative vantage point, we start to see ourselves as characters within our own narrative. We can shape the story, honoring core scenes and events that have occurred while creating new ones too. This is really key because during the pandemic, most of us have been stuck in an unhappy narrative and we might feel a little short changed on hope. Yet creativity allows us to foster optimism and to rebuild. We can turn to the poetry of Emily Dickinson who wrote, “I dwell in possibility, a fairer house than prose…” And from this sense of possibility, we can soar to new heights and see things from a radically different view.


Lise Porter is a licensed marriage and family therapist, consultant, and trainer for the Workplace Mental Health Institute. She is based in Los Angeles and is also a working actor. Her book, Own Your Life: How Our Wounds Become Our Gifts is available on Amazon or through her website,


How to Stop Being Fake and Start Living Your Authentic Self

Authentic. It’s a word we use to describe when something is real or genuine and not a copy or something false. You can say that a Rolex watch or a painting by Picasso is authentic. But what about a person…?

By this definition, humans too, are naturally authentic. Your mere existence makes you so. Just look at a newborn baby – they are completely themselves. They want to cry, they cry, they want to sleep, they sleep, they want to relieve themselves, they just go for it. There´s no guilt, no shame, no over analysis.

But we can´t keep doing that forever! You wouldn´t get very far in the world. As we are socialized, we learn to modify our behavior, to adapt to different circumstances, in order to survive, and to get the best outcomes.


But often, through the process of interacting with the world around us, we can take this too far, and start to behave in a way that is not necessarily true to ourselves and to our own nature.

And so, people can also lose that authenticity, and become fake, or false, doing things that are in conflict with, or even the opposite to their core personality and beliefs.

People put on a fake persona for many different reasons. Many people struggle with showing their authentic selves due to fear, anxiety, and other uncomfortable emotions. They feel that if people knew who they really were, they wouldn’t be as well-liked, lose their respect or even lose their love.

However, being authentic is actually one of the crucial aspects needed for healthy relationships that are impactful and meaningful. How can anyone love you for who you are, if you are not being yourself to begin with? And second, wearing a mask, or putting on a persona day in and day out can be tiring. It´s a heavy costume to wear, and we can end up exhausted and burned out. It is so much lighter and easier to let go of that person and just Be You.

Which leads to the question; how can you start living your authentic self? Below we’ll answer that question and take a closer look at the common mistakes and misperceptions people have when it comes to being authentic.

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What Does it Mean to be Your Authentic Self?

Being authentic isn’t difficult but does take practice (as with everything in life). To be authentic, you must have a keen awareness of who you indeed are, including what you care about, believe in, and stand for.

An authentic person, for example, says and does things that are in absolute alignment with their core beliefs and identity. They don’t change their views, actions, or opinions to please other people, and they answer questions with honesty and consistency. For example, authentic people:

  • Make decisions that align with their core beliefs and values.
  • Pursue their passions no matter what others might say.
  • Set boundaries and, in all circumstances, enforce those boundaries by walking away from toxic or harmful relationships.
  • Let themselves be vulnerable and open-hearted under the right situations and with the people they love and care about.
  • Listen to their conscience, the “inner voice” that guides us and, amazingly, is always right.

The examples above should give you a good idea of what it means to be authentic and live an authentic life. To make it even more profound, though, being authentic will show you where you’re going and give your life clarity.

As an authentic person, you know what your core values are, and you make every decision in your life based on those values. In turn, this allows you to build the life you dream about, give you more joy and happiness, and inspires those around you to be more authentic.

Common Mistake People Make About Authenticity

As with all things in life, becoming your authentic self takes time, effort, and practice. The fact is, we all change and grow as we get older, and our core beliefs and values change also.

As with everything in life, there will be obstacles and bumps along the way. To be authentic means to evaluate those obstacles, get over those bumps, and be the person you are inside on the outside. Some of the mistakes people make on the road to becoming theory authentic selves include:

Equating Being Authentic With Being Rude, Aggressive, or Mean

Being authentic means sticking to your core beliefs and values under all circumstances. For some, this is often mistaken, if you will, for being an A-hole. Many people think authenticity is speaking your mind and saying your opinion no matter what the situation.

In fact, the opposite is true. An authentic person doesn’t feel the need to force their opinions or beliefs on others. Yes, they will undoubtedly try, under some circumstances, to persuade people to see things “their way.”

However, authentic people know who they are and don’t waste time trying to change people who don’t want to, or aren’t ready, to be changed. Also, they use tact, compassion, and respect when talking to those whose opinions differ from their own.

Not Being Sure of Who You Are

Less a mistake than a situation, not knowing exactly who you are is one of the obstacles you need to overcome on the journey to being your authentic self. That’s why authenticity is so difficult for teens and younger adults as they simply don’t know who they are, at least not entirely.

Making the time to understand yourself, realize your core values and set your life on course to be authentic is necessary for all people. It takes listening to others, reading books, meditating, and being open to at least hear all opinions before making a judgment.

Trying To Remove the Risk of Failure, Embarrassment, or Pain

Many people make this mistake on the road to become their authentic selves,. They try to be someone whom they are not, to avoid pain, embarrassment, and failure. However, all of these emotions and feelings are natural and need to be confronted in a healthy way.

For example, you need to realize that failure, though not optimal, is a natural part of life.Embarrassment? The only valid reason to be embarrassed is if you try to be someone you’re not, and it blows up in your face. If you are behaving in an authentic way, and you accept yourself as you are, then there is never anything to be embarrassed about.

How To Start Being Your Authentic Self

Being authentic, as we mentioned earlier, takes time, effort, and introspection. Below are a few methods you can use to let your authentic self shine through:

  • Learn what your strengths are, whether with language, emotions, physical skills, etc.
  • Look at failure as a natural part of life rather than a roadblock or weakness. Everyone fails. The real winners are those who don’t let failure stop them from achieving their dreams.
  • Spend time every day doing things that help you realize who you are and what you stand for. Read books, listen to podcasts, learn from a mentor, practice being authentic, etc.
  • Actively practice spotting and dropping judgement – of yourself and others.
  • Don’t try to do it all at once. Start with smaller goals like becoming healthier, setting boundaries, and speaking from the heart.

Final Thoughts

Becoming your authentic self is a worthy goal; it’s true. It’s also a goal that will take some time to achieve, so don’t rush it. Instead, take little steps, be unafraid to fail, and never, ever let anyone try to tell you who you are.

Remember, becoming your authentic self isn’t something that one day happens and is set for the rest of your life. As you grow and mature, your authentic self will change and evolve also. If you allow that person to shine, your life and the lives of those around you will be much brighter.


Returning To Work After The COVID Pandemic Crisis

Millions are returning to the physical workplace after extended periods of time working from home. While the world is still dealing with the virus and its knock on effects, many people are now focused on what it will be like to get back to the workplace. There are many issues to be considered, that encompass work, family and mental health needs. Below we offer some tips to return to work successfully.

Tips For Employers:

  1. Prepare your Team – what each person needs will depend on the individual. Talk to your people, understand their individual concerns. Help them feel safe and comfortable Negotiate and try to meet their emotional and physical needs. Communicate your expectations clearly.
Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels
  1. Show Appreciation – Showing appreciation is still one of the most important things employers can do. People work best when they are acknowledged and appreciated.
  1. Be Flexible – Each workplace will have different needs, but where you can, stay open to new ideas and be willing to experiment until you find what works for your team members and your organization.
  1. Offer Employee Counseling – Whether they are having difficulty returning back to work or not, making counseling available lets your employees know you care about their wellbeing.
  1. Be Available – Especially at the start. It will be normal for staff to have concerns and questions. These can usually be resolved quickly if you are available to reassure the person and address them.
  1. Be Honest – You may not have the answers to everything, but be upfront about what information you know and don´t know. Demonstrating your transparency will go a long way to building trust with your team members, and minimizing any anxiety they may have.
  1. Consider New Workers – Some staff may never have actually been on site at the workplace before, or never met their colleagues in person. They may need some time to adapt to a new rhythm and to learn the culture of the organization.
  1. Have Patience – Employees will need to re-adjust. Don´t assume everything will go back to how it was before – the workplace may look and feel different. Be patient as people become comfortable with any new changes.

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Tips For Employees:

  1. Take Care of Family – Ensuring that your children or other family members are safe and taken care of during working hours is essential to success in the workplace.
  1. Re-Evaluate Your Skills – Are there any skills that need refreshing? Or new ones to be learned? This might be the right time to do so.
  1. Keep the Balance – Returning to work may be accompanied with higher stress & anxiety. Make sure to take a little time during the day to de-stress. Move, stretch, walk up the stairs, or talk with positive co-workers.
  1. Mental Health And Resilience Training – Learn about common signs of mental distress, develop tools to prevent them from arising, and know how to respond if they do. Your skills in this area can help you to manage stress, and also know how to assist someone else in distress.

The road back to normal after COVID might be tricky but there are things you can do to make it a more pleasant experience. Think things through, be positive and take the time to prepare for your return to work.

Author: Peter Diaz
Peter Diaz profile

Peter Diaz is the CEO of Workplace Mental Health Institute. He’s an author and accredited mental health social worker with senior management experience. Having recovered from his own experience of bipolar depression, Peter is passionate about assisting organisations to address workplace mental health issues in a compassionate yet results-focussed way. He’s also a Dad, Husband, Trekkie and Thinker.

Connect with Peter Diaz on:
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WorkLife Magazine – The Freedom to Express – Why having a voice is key to your wellbeing

Psychologically, we’ve known for decades that a road to healing is the ability to speak up and be counted, but how do we do that? At work and home? Especially in a landscape where people are already on edge, what you have to say is likely to upset or offend someone somewhere. Too often, our fear gets in the way of self-expression, yet that is vital for wellbeing.

This issue of our eMag is full of valuable tips and ideas. Which will be the one that does it for you?

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Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.


3 Top Tips from Ancient Wisdom on how to exceed in 2021

Imagine having a map of the upcoming year, something to guide you forwards, to show you which roads to take, and pointing out the pot holes to avoid.

Welcome to the ancient world of Chinese Metaphysics and Wisdom. The ancient 10,000-year Chinese calendar converts each moment of time into characters, these can have a Yin or a Yang(strategic or active) component and belong to one of 5 elements (metal, water, wood, fire, or earth). The combination is unique to each hour, day, month, and year creating patterns for each moment of time, from which wisdom and insights can be gained.

What was the pattern for the year just passed, 2020 you may ask? The image was one of a heavy metal object, sinking into the cold ocean.

A few signposts, predictions I had identified were ;

  • Companies will be axed and some large ones will sink
  • The economy will decline and pessimism and despair will be seen
  • There will be more unrest and uprising amongst the people.
  • People will start to hoard
  • Lungs and mental health issues will be prominent.

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Each year I guide companies, senior management teams, and leading individuals on how to maximize the year, what to look out for, and what strategies to adopt.

In addition to the chart of the year, each one of us has our own personal chart and once we analyze both charts in conjunction, (personal and the year chart), this gives clarity on how to maximize the year for personal and professional / benefits.

Chinese Yin-Yang Calendar

What’s in store for 2021? The Metal / Ox year.

2021 is the Year of the Yin Metal / Ox, and the year begins on the 3 February which is classed as the first day of spring (following the solar /farmers calendar).

The elements involved are strong water and metal, similar to 2020, which means a year of high emotion, many clashes, challenges and depression to begin with.

What is the Visual for 2021?

The year is visualized as beautiful jewels encased in ice or freshly dug out from the icycold ground. The frozen and cool jewels are mysterious and admired.

They appear cool and reserved, almost beyond reach.

The good news is there are “diamonds in the dirt” to be discovered in 2021.

However to benefit from 2021, a new mindset needs to be cultivated.

We need to dig in the correct field to find these diamonds.

Here are my 3 top tips to maximize your success in 2021.

1) It all starts with NEW thoughts!

Problems this year will be solved with new ways of thinking. The old thinking patterns will no longer work. There will be new discoveries, new solutions, new successes when the thinking patterns change; New ideas, New products, New ways of Business, New ways of living. A year to develop strong intuition and instinct. Creativity in 2021 will be high, however communication skills will be lacking. There is a feeling of preferring to hold back and not share with others.

2) Specialize

Specialize, do not generalize this year. Do not try to be good at everything. There is a need to focus on the Value you add to the world, providing solutions that are practical and that work. Many companies will want to shine, to stand out from the crowd and to be seen. Over confidence can lead to downfalls this year. Ensure the foundations are strong on which you are building the confidence.

3) Sensitivities

An emotional year and one where people do not take rejection well. Words can heal or harm, remember this in 2021. Bitter words are hurtful and once issued they cannot be taken back. Separate the issue from the person. Lead with kindness and sensitivity in 2021. Become more “human”. If Ego is high, then people become fearful, destructive and behind the scene events start to happen. The leader becomes more isolated, loses respect and is plotted against. Be hard on the issues and soft on the people

Covid will remain with us for the duration of 2021, and the vaccine will feature prominently.

Turbulent times are still ahead and so managing cash flow and considering different business models will be critical.

There will be a feeling of “every man/woman for herself” in 2021 and so team building, opening communication channels and encouraging sharing will be critical.


Sally Forrest

Sally Forrest is renowned for her expertise in Chinese Metaphysics and works with leading companies, families, entrepreneurs and professionals. She is also a certified Pharmacist, has an MBA and is the co-founder and CEO of SoulCentre – Asia’s Premier Personal Development Centre

Psychological Safe Defense image

Learn To Survive And Thrive Despite Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths

Have you ever had an interaction with someone that wasn’t quite violent or blatantly rude but left you feeling ‘off, rattled or shaken? What was going on there?

Have you found yourself falling for liars, con artists, or manipulators on more than one occasion? We have too.

What about psychopaths? Ever wondered if someone you know is a psychopath? Sometimes it’s essential to know.

We are seeing situations where people face more extreme and antisocial behavior- and master manipulators end up using them and pulling their strings.

Having delivered mental health and resilience training across the world, to organizations of all sizes and in all industries, and to individuals from all walks of life, we know very clearly that one of the things people struggle with most, in maintaining their health and wellbeing, is dealing with difficult people.

Everyday interactions and relationships with friends, family and colleagues can be tricky enough, even when everyone involved has the best intentions at heart.

Psychological Safe Defense image

But more and more, we see more extreme antisocial behavior to the point where they could be dealing with psychopaths, sociopaths, and other master manipulators.

Suppose you are not prepared, not alert, or not equipped with techniques to deal with these people and situations. In that case, you could be at risk – sometimes physically, sometimes financially, but often psychologically too.

Therefore, for good mental health and so many other reasons, we need to build our awareness and understanding of people who may not have our best interests at heart. And develop a skill set to deal with these people, behaviors, and situations more effectively.

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Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.

We want to raise awareness and help people develop their psychological toolbox. We want good people to feel confident and in control when dealing with bad people out there – knowing that most people are good, well-intentioned people, but that, from time to time, they will come across dangerous people to their psychological and physical health. We also want them to know how to handle them.

We want to be aware and prepared to be able to:

  • identify different types of manipulators and understand their inner psychology
  • know how to spot other signs of manipulation and how to respond effectively to nip those in the bud
  • understand the dozen or so different strategies people can use in an attempt to shape your behavior, and how to neutralize them
  • look after your psychological safety and mental health effectively and securely when dealing with these people and their behaviors

So, what are some things you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones or your teams at work?

Well, here are four things you can do, in a nutshell (we go into more detail and more strategies in our Psychological Self Defense course):

  1. Spot it early and leave, but if you can´t go, then…
  2. Get clear and confident in your own beliefs and knowledge
  3. Don´t try to play their game. Don´t try to outsmart them or trick them, or play pretend to catch them out. You´re not likely to win.
  4. Communicate in a way that is very clear, firm and transparent.
  5. Don’t try to control their actions, but stay cool, calm, and collected no matter what happens.

There’s a lot to talk about, and it’s imperative we do. But it’s hard to put this much detail here in writing. That’s why we created the Psychological Self Defense course where people can discover the strategies, tools and skills, to better deal with difficult people and to develop a type of “psychological armor” to protect themselves and their team from harm.

This online course shows you how to spot the different types of manipulators, the signs of manipulation, the ten sneaky strategies they use to pull the wool over your eyes, and the best ways to respond to this manipulation.

We consider this essential knowledge for everyone.  Of course, suppose you’re a manager or supervisor. In that case, this is even more critical knowledge to protect the wellbeing of your team – and avoid the legal implications these types could create for your company.

Please, do yourself a favor and check out the Psychological Self Defense course

It could be the best thing you do this year.

Author: Peter Diaz
Peter Diaz profile

Peter Diaz is the CEO of Workplace Mental Health Institute. He’s an author and accredited mental health social worker with senior management experience. Having recovered from his own experience of bipolar depression, Peter is passionate about assisting organisations to address workplace mental health issues in a compassionate yet results-focussed way. He’s also a Dad, Husband, Trekkie and Thinker.

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6 Amazing Tips For Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships are important for many reasons. They help to improve your mood, reduce stress and increase productivity.

Research has shown that people in committed relationships experience a 49% lower mortality rate than those who are single. This provides insight into the positive effects of investing in positive relationships.

In the digital age, it is very easy to be disconnected from others. Many people spend a lot of time online and in front of their screens rather than talking to one another face-to-face. This routine can also harm your mental health as it can lead to things like loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Self-care should always be a priority for you!

Photo by Git Stephen Gitau from Pexels

6 Tips for Healthy Relationships

1. Talk, talk, talk…and then talk some more

Communication is the primary tool for a healthy relationship. It can heal broken relationships, strengthen the bond, and build new relationships. Talking, asking questions, sharing your dreams together can provide freshness, excitement and clarity to your relationship.

There are many ways to communicate with your partner in a healthy way. One of them is to speak honestly and frankly about your emotions and feelings.

Communication is essential for a healthy relationship because it allows us to share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with those we care about. Without communication, we might not pay attention to the needs of our partners and therefore end up with a strained or unhealthy relationship.

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Expert insights and tips on how to build resilient and mentally healthy workplace cultures delivered straight to your inbox each month.

2. Compromise

It’s not always easy for people to compromise because they may have different expectations and needs. So, it’s necessary for couples to find a way of meeting each other in the middle without compromising their own desires and goals.

Compromise can take the form of altering plans or expressing appreciation towards each other in order to signal that they are willing to meet the other’s needs.

A word of caution: take this one with a grain of salt. Make sure you compromise on things that you are happy to compromise about. Don’t compromise in things that are really important to you. If one of you compromises something important to them, it’ll create resentment in your relationship. Find a way to negotiate something that will work for the both of you.

Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels

3. Mutual Respect & Honor

A friendship is a relationship that involves two people who share a mutual respect for each other. What is it about your loved one that you really cherish? A healthy relationship is one that requires both parties to honor the other person, be open-minded and kind to each other.

Healthy relationships require mutual respect and honor for them to work. When you are in a healthy relationship, both parties can quickly answer the question, ‘what do you like most about him/her?’ They also have the willingness seek opportunities to enhance their partner’s happiness.

That’s why it is so important for prospective partners to recognize their partner’s good qualities before they enter into a romantic relationship with them. This will help avoid the awkwardness of finding out some of your partner’s flaws later down the line instead of sooner before you get too invested in them.

4. Setting Boundaries

It is important for a relationship to have clear boundaries to function properly. If no boundaries exist and get communicated clearly, then the person you are dating will not know what is important to you, and then they will act in such a way that may seem as if they are pushing and making you feel like their needs should always take priority. If they know where you stand on things, then they can make the decision of whether they like it or not. If, after you have communicated your boundaries, the other person continues to push, then you know they are not the right person for you early on.

Boundaries are not a way to control the other person but, rather, it is a way of letting know the other person who you are, what you like, what’s important to you in life. Then they can do the same. If both your boundaries match, then your relationship has a good chance of success.

The need for boundaries in relationships can also ensure you both get healthy levels of autonomy and independence. Setting, clarifying, and enforcing boundaries is one way people can ensure that they maintain proper amounts of autonomy and independence in their relationships. It is also helpful because it will help avoid conflicts in the future over feeling constantly wronged or taken for granted when expectations are not met.

5. Trust

Trust is an important part of any healthy relationship. It is an intangible value that is built on the perceived reliability and good intentions of another person.

Trust can be difficult to build in a relationship because people are often not aware of each other’s intentions, which makes humans vulnerable to manipulation.

Trust in a relationship can only be achieved when both parties have:

  • A perception that the other person does not have malicious intentions
  • The assurance that their partner will communicate their feelings and thoughts honestly
  • The belief that they are able to rely on their partner’s support and help

6. Support

Support is an important part of a healthy relationship because it helps partners understand each other better and work towards solving problems.

Support comes in two main forms: physical and emotional.

Physical support includes hugging, holding hands, walking with someone, or cooking for them. In a romantic relationship it would include being interested in having your loved one’s sexual needs met. Emotional support can be expressed through words like “I’m here for you,” “I love you,” or “I care about you.”

Signs of Healthy Relationships

One sign of healthy relationships is the ability of both partners to listen more than they speak. By listening, not only are they able to pick up on what their partner is saying but also learn more about who they are as a person.

Another sign of healthy relationships is the ability for both parties to negotiate a mutually satisfying compromise, even if it means having to do something outside of their comfort zone.

If one party feels like they’re being taken advantage of in the relationship then it’s likely time for them to get therapy or coaching. If all else fails, then you can call it quits.

Tips for Managing Emotions in Relationships

Managing emotions in relationships is an important skill that can be learned and improved. This is because, with a better understanding of human emotions, we can better help others and make the most out of our relationships.

To manage your emotions, you should first identify what triggers your feelings. Then choose a way of coping with them that will work for you in the long run. Remember that, while feelings are real, often they are not based on complete information.

Another important way to control your emotions is by examining your beliefs, your intentions and your self-talk. This is where therapy comes in handy.

Lastly, take small steps every day towards becoming more emotionally intelligent so that you can benefit from this skill in all areas of your life.

What are the three C’s in a healthy relationship?

A relationship is both an opportunity for love and an opportunity for learning. There are three C’s in a healthy relationship: Communication, Compassion, and Commitment.

# Communication is the open and loving exchange of thoughts, feelings, and information.

# Compassion is when your significant other’s desires, wants and goals in life are just as important as your own.

# Commitment is when you have made a decision to give your all to the relationship, no matter what. (One exclusion to this is where your safety may be at risk)

How do you know if you’re in a healthy relationship?

For most people, a healthy relationship is one that makes them feel happy and fulfilled. There are some signs that can help you know if a relationship is healthy for you.

A healthy relationship makes you feel confident, secure, loved, and respected. In a healthy relationship you are safe to talk about those things that are important to you with your partner and be there for them when they need support.

Why Mindfulness Makes Relationships Happier and Healthier

Mindfulness is a mental state achieved through cultivating awareness and acceptance of the present moment. It helps you improve your life and relationships because it helps you become more in tune with your feelings, thoughts, and interactions.

Mindfulness can help us to maintain a healthy balance between our online and offline lives because it helps us be present in what is happening right now. It helps us tune out of distractions such as social media’s constant updates or notifications from our phones that seem to always be looking for our attention.


Having healthy relationships is not just limited to romantic relationships. It includes family members, friends, and co-workers. Relationships provide emotional support while also establishing social connections.

Relationships are a significant part of a person’s life. It is important to find people that we can trust and share our ideas with.

Healthy relationships make us feel complete, feel happier, and healthier. They also help us better focus on our work and personal life.

With a bit of work, the prognosis for relationships is good. There are so many ways to fix strained relationships. The tips above will help your relationships shine brighter.

Author: Peter Diaz

Peter Diaz is the CEO of Workplace Mental Health Institute. He’s an author and accredited mental health social worker with senior management experience. Having recovered from his own experience of bipolar depression, Peter is passionate about assisting organisations to address workplace mental health issues in a compassionate yet results-focussed way. He’s also a Dad, Husband, Trekkie and Thinker.

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